A New Beginning

I thought it was time to update the title and sub-title of my blog because what I have been posting lately has taken a whole new direction from when I began in December, 2011. In the beginning, my intent was to use my blog as a diary, except that I wouldn’t be recording my thoughts in private, but sharing them with an audience.

I have noticed the my readership has dramatically shifted when I began to post these latest offerings, which has included more likes, comments and new followers than ever before, since I began writing under the new title.

My purpose in beginning of this blog was to give me practice at keeping up a discipline of posting my thoughts whenever something new happened in the furtherance of my transition, but now my focus has shifted toward sharing my insights, which seems to be more in line with my wish to turn my blog into bookform.

I began to become concerned, after a while into my transition, that my “story” was not at all that remarkable, given that fact that it has been both rapid and virtually effortless, beyond my wildest expectations, since I began.

I hope you like the new title and subtitle because that is my new working title for my book, which seems more a reality to me now, than it did over eighteen months ago.

Deanna Joy

About Deanna Joy Hallmark

I am a post-op transgender woman who has now completed transition and living my life as the woman I was born to be. I have been writing my blog, now titled "A Spy in the Enemy Camp - A transgender woman’s perspective from having lived as a man among men" since December 2011. Originally a record of my process and feelings in transition, last summer in 2013 it took on observations from both sides of the gender binary and now will also be looking at my past life pretending to be the man I never was and how it finally brought me to where I am today, the beautiful intelligent woman I had always believed I should have been since I was little.
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4 Responses to A New Beginning

  1. Kira says:

    Looks good 🙂

  2. Pingback: “The Spy Who Came In from the Cold” | A Spy in the Enemy Camp

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